We offer beekeeping services.


Hive inspection with mite wash

we have received formal training through the Texas Master Beekeeper Program to visually identify diseases and parasites that can adversely affect our honey bees. With this service we will visually inspect the colonies in question and perform an alcohol mite wash to determine the current varroa mite levels. We will provide a detailed report of our findings upon completion and provide guidance based on those findings.

$60 for the first hive, $10 for every additional hive.



Do you have an aggressive or unproductive hive? We can help! We can remove your current queen and install a new gentle, productive and mite resistant queen.

$100 Includes the cost of new queen.

Hygienic Testing

This is a great service for the up and coming queen breeder or most sideline operations. We use the liquid nitrogen freeze kill method whereby we freeze a small area of capped brood. we then wait 24 hours and return to record the results. for this service we recommend that the colonies being tested are among the top 5% of honey producing colonies in your operation and any overly defensive colonies get excluded.

$40 per colony, minimum of 10 colonies per test.